Birmingham City Council Highlights 3.14.23
Here are a few of the legislative highlights from Tuesday’s Birmingham City Council meeting, in case you missed it.
Last week, several Birmingham City Councilors travelled to Montgomery to meet with State Legislators and discuss the City’s legislative priorities among other issues for the annual Alabama League of Municipalities Meeting.
Today, Council President Wardine Alexander encouraged residents to contact their legislative representatives and be involved with the process of determining how the state will allocate the $1.1 billion in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds. Much-needed sewer system repairs, and broadband infrastructure expansions are two issues that are expected to be considered when the legislature convenes for a special session to discuss the one-time ARPA allocations.
The Birmingham City Council’s legislative agenda that was approved last month, includes, but is not limited to: automated photographic traffic enforcement system, exhibition driving bill, bill to cap employee liability, amending the AL Competitive Bid Law to add computers, programs, software applications, and automobile parts, the enhancement of fines for littering and dumping, amending the AL Land Bank Act to allow municipalities to acquire tax delinquent properties in certain instances, administrative warrants to support code enforcement, foreclosure authority for municipal liens and the addition of an Affordable Housing Trust Fund for the City of Birmingham.
Meeting Cancellations
Two meetings scheduled for Wednesday, March 15th have been cancelled:
The regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting was cancelled along with the Committee of the Whole Meeting. The Next Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for April 19th and 3:30 p.m.
We had so many wonderful presentations at this morning’s Birmingham City Council meeting.
From our Huffman Lady Vikings who were the 6A State Runner Up this year to NACA who came to speak about their home ownership programs — To Black and White Photography who are celebrating 25 years in business and the YWCA of Central Alabama who have provided 120 years of service. Thank you all for joining us today!