Birmingham City Council Highlights 8.8.23

Birmingham City Council


ITEMS 26–27

On Tuesday, the Birmingham City Council voted to set a public hearing to discuss proposed changes to the City’s parking and towing ordinance. That public hearing has been set for Tuesday, August 29th during the Council meeting on the second floor of Boutwell Auditorium.

The Office of the City Attorney presented the proposed changes during a Town Hall held in June. Some of the key points of the updated ordinance include, but are not limited to, increasing insurance requirements for operators; clarifying proof of payment to help drivers with dispute options; prohibiting operators from towing/booting a vehicle while a driver is paying; additional payment options — the use of mobile and web payment systems; improved requirements for signage.

In addition to modernizing the way parking in paid for by phone, the updated ordinance also gives the Birmingham Department of Transportation purview to oversee parking signage placement and regulations.

Councilor Darrell O’Quinn, chair of the Transportation Committee, said he has been encouraged by the productive conversation and feedback from members of the public throughout this process.

“There were definitely issues that were brought up that we had not heard before when we heard from residents in June. It’s really great to get these comments into the public record,” O’Quinn said. “There were multiple people that have referred to the ambiguity of the signage that refers to overnight parking. I think that’s really valuable to for us to hear. I’m looking forward to this additional opportunity for people to provide feedback.”

O’Quinn said that the Office of the City Attorney will be taking the comments into consideration while they continue to finalize the proposed ordinance.




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