City Council Meeting Recap 3.5.19
Here’s the video from the meeting:
And here’s a recap of some of the items the City Council discussed by the Council:
Item 1
An Ordinance “TO FURTHER AMEND THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM” (Case No. ZAC2018–00024) to change zone district boundaries M-1, Light Industrial District to MU-D, Mixed-Use Downtown District, filed by Brian Wolfe, Jr., representing the owner, Parkside Bakery Investment Partners II, LLC., for the property located at 10 14th Street South and 1300 Powell Avenue and situated in the SE ¼ of Section 35, Township 17-S, Range 3-West and SW¼ of Section 36, Township 17-S, Range 3-West, and the hearing of all interested parties.
The applicant, Corporate Realty will be creating a mixed use development with a ground floor restaurant and student housing on the upper floors.
The City’s Long Range Land Use Plan identifies the property as Mixed-Use Downtown; therefore the proposed rezoning request is Consistent with the Long Range Land Use Plan
The Five Points South Neighborhood Association met at its regularly scheduled meeting on November 26, 2018 to review the proposed project and voted “To Recommend Approval” of the proposed rezoning request. The vote was 12 approved and 0 denied.
Zoning Advisory Committee Action:
The Zoning Advisory Committee met at its regularly scheduled meeting on December 18, 2018 and approved this item. The City Council’s Planning and Zoning Committee also met on December 18th, 2018 and voted to recommend this rezoning.
The first two floors of the development will include a parking structure, leasing office, a concierge package service and retail and restaurant space. The top five floors will include 470 beds, divided into 207 apartment units, and a host of other amenities. These amenities will include an outdoor pool and deck; outdoor televisions, kitchen, gaming and lounge areas; community event center; individual and group student areas; fitness center; and meditative courtyard.
Item 42
A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement on behalf of the City of Birmingham with Major League Baseball Youth Foundation and Birmingham Park and Recreation Board.
Following a thorough discussion, the Council unanimously passed a two-week delay on the item dealing with a plan for the Major League Baseball Youth Foundation (MLBYF) to construct and operate a youth baseball academy at George Ward Park. As the discussion wound to a close, an agreement was made to set a public meeting with neighborhood residents to dispel any misinformation they might have about the scope of the project and what areas of the park would be impacted. One such example was that the youth academy would encompass 20 acres of the 120-acre park, not half like some residents had believed. City officials and residents did not set a time or location for the meeting, but it is expected to take place before the resolution comes back before the Council on March 19.
For more information, please read:
Item 78
A Resolution accepting the lump sum bid of Sherrod Construction Company, Inc., Vestavia, Alabama, in the amount of $282,816.00, for Lighting Upgrades Package, located at Various Addresses in Birmingham, this being the lowest and best bid submitted, and authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Sherrod Construction Company, Inc., in substantially the form contained within the bid documents and in accordance with said bid, providing that the total compensation payable under the contract not exceed the appropriation.
The City Council approved the bid of Sherrod Construction for this upgrades package, which includes work at 3 City parks.
At Maclin Park:
-Resurfacing the basketball court
-Providing new basketball goals and backboard
-Adding one light at the Pavilion
-Upgrading the lighting on the walking trails
-Providing a new sign for the park
-Replacing concessions and restroom doors
At W.C. Patton Park:
-Providing power to existing pavilions, restrooms, and amphitheatre
West Goldwire Park:
-Providing solid surface landing
-Resurfacing basketball courts
-providing new park sign
-providing two benches at playground and two trash receptacles
-proving tables at existing pavilion
Full Agenda
Upcoming Meetings
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
9:00 a.m. — Park Board Meeting — Maxine Herring Parker Board Room, Legion Field, 400 Graymont Avenue West
Thursday, March 7, 2019
3:00 p.m. — Joint Planning and Zoning Committee and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting — 5th Floor Conference Room-City Hall
Monday, March 11, 2019
3:30 p.m. — Joint Budget and Finance Committee and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting — Conference Rooms “D & E”
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
9:00 a.m. — Pre-Council Meeting — City Council Chambers; 9:30 a.m. — Council Meeting — City Council Chambers
2:00 p.m. — Joint Public Improvements Committee and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting — Conference Room “A”
3:00 p.m. — Joint Economic Development Committee and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting — Conference Rooms “D & E”