City Council Meeting Recap 4.2.19
Here’s the video from the meeting:
And here’s a recap of some of the items the City Council discussed by the Council:
Item 47
A Resolution approving, and authorizing the Mayor to execute a Funding Agreement with Build Up in the amount of $15,000.00, under which Build Up will provide training for youth workforce development in learning trade skills.
The Council has approved a Funding Agreement with Build Up, the nation’s first and only workforce development model that provides low-income youth with career-ready skills through paid apprenticeships with industry-aligned secondary and early-postsecondary academic coursework, leading them to become educated, credentialed, and empowered civic leaders, workers, homeowners and landlords. Several City Councilors have previously supported Build Up through funding agreements from their discretionary budgets.
Item 48
A Resolution consenting to a two-year abatement of noneducational municipal ad valorem taxes by Jefferson County, Alabama to induce Birmingham Parkside Residences, LLC to develop a 3.4 acre Brownfield Site located in the City of Birmingham pursuant to the Alabama Land Recycling and Economic Redevelopment Act, Chapter 30E of Title 22 of the Code of Alabama (1975), and the Brownfield Development Tax Abatement Act, Chapter 9C of Title 40 of the Code of Alabama (1975), and authorizing the Mayor to execute to execute all documents necessary to accomplish the purposes herein.
After presenting at the Committee of the Whole Meeting, the Council approved a Resolution consenting to a tax abatement, in accordance with the State of Alabama’s Department of Environmental Management’s Brownfield* Abatement Program.
Birmingham Parkside Residences, LLC will be investing an estimated $61,100,000 into the project that will include two 5-story residential buildings with 268 total units, a 6 story parking deck with 344 spaces, and around 20,000 square feet of street level commercial space. The project is also estimated to create 108 jobs.
These are non-educational taxes, meaning this tax abatement will not diminish tax funding appropriated to public schools.
A Brownfield is a term used in urban planning to describe any previously developed land that is not currently in use, whether contaminated or not. It is also used to describe land previously used for industrial or commercial purposes with known or suspected pollution including soil contamination due to hazardous waste.
Item 90
A Resolution amending Resolution №573–19, adopted by the Council March 19, 2019 authorizing the Mayor to expend funds for a total of up to three (3) representatives per neighborhood, plus the NUSA Board members and candidates for the NUSA Board offices, to travel to and attend the NUSA Board Meeting and Conference in Palm Springs, California May 15–18, 2019, to include that the representatives shall be free to attend this year’s scheduled conference in Palm Springs, California without obligation of journaling, recording, and/or submitting their learning experiences during the 2018 NUSA Conference.
Two weeks ago, the Council approved funding for up to 3 Neighborhood Officers from each of the City’s 99 Neighborhoods to attend this year’s Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) conference in Palm Springs, California. This Resolution amends the previous resolution, to allow for travel to the conference without the burden of each neighborhood volunteer to write a report about their experience.
Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA) is a national, non-profit organization committed to building and strengthening neighborhood organizations. Created in 1975 to share information and experiences used to build stronger communities, NUSA continues to encourage networking and information-sharing to facilitate the development of partnerships among neighborhood organizations, government and the private sector for the ultimate goal of strengthening every neighborhood.
Full Agenda
Upcoming Meetings
Thursday, April 4, 2019
2:30 p.m. — Agenda Meeting — Conference Room “A”
3:00 p.m. — Joint Planning and Zoning Committee and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting — 5th Floor Conference Room-City Hall
4:00 p.m. — Joint Special Called Public Improvements Committee and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting — Conference Room “A”
Monday, April 8, 2019
3:30 p.m. — Joint Budget and Finance Committee and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting — Conference Rooms “D & E”
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
9:00 a.m. — Pre-Council Meeting — City Council Chambers; 9:30 a.m. — Council Meeting — City Council Chambers
2:00 p.m. — Joint Public Improvements Committee and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting — Conference Room “A” — CANCELLED
3:00 p.m. — Joint Economic Development Committee and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting — Conference Rooms “D & E”