Council Approves HUD Plan for housing opportunities
The Council approved a plan to be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for federal grant funding to address housing and services for residents experiencing homelessness.
Congress appropriated $5 billion in American Rescue Plan Act funding to be used for the HOME Investment Partnership program. The City of Birmingham received $5 million as part of this program.
The eligible activities must primarily benefit the qualifying residents before 2030. Those include, but are not limited to:
• Production or preservation of affordable rental housing
• Tenant-based rental assistance
• Supportive services, homeless prevention services and housing counseling
• Purchase and development of non-congregate shelter
According to the application, the breakdown of funding is as follows:
· $200,000 for supportive services
· $3 million for Acquisition and Development of Non-congregate shelters
· $500,000 for Tenant-based rental assistance
· $1 million for Development of Affordable Rental Housing
· $374,139 for Non-profit Operation
· $700,000 for Administration and Planning